
The student chapter of optics in Bordeaux (BOSC) is an association of master and PhD students working in optics and photonics in the institutions of the Université Bordeaux. One of the main goals is to create a community that serves as a link between the various associations dealing with physics, biology, engineering and even mathematics and computer scince, and forwhich optics is the common interest. BOSC focuses on the organization of fun events for everyone concerning engineering schools, University departments and even general public in some cases. Led by doctoral students from the University of Bordeaux, BOSC is also open to Master students with a strong interest in optics. The « management » team is currently headed by researchers from research laboratories in Bordeaux (LP2N, CELIA, LOMA …). For those wishing to join BOSC, Read more on their website

The EOS-SFO Alpes Student Club is part of the European Optical Society (EOS) and French Optical society (SFO). It was created in 2012. Currently, it includes 20 students preparing their PHD at Grenoble and suburb. Since created, this club organized visits of Grenoble’s top companies and research facilities in Optics, interviewed researchers and engineers and companies advisors. For instance in 2016, the EOS-SFO Alpes Student Club members visited Sofradir facilities and the imaging platforms of the Grenoble Institute of Neurosciences (GIN). The club also regularly organizes meetings and advertises about job positions in Optics. It is sponsored by a large network of photonic companies and laboratories.
Read more on their website

The student chapter of optics in Paris (SCOP) is an association of master and PhD students working in optics and photonics in the institutions of the Université Paris Saclay. The main goal is to create a community that serves as a link between recognized academic institutions in the Paris region but also to foster international collaborations. The ties of the chapter are strongest to SPIE, OSA, EOS, SFO and EPS. The chapter organizes and participates in multiple events. For example, In 2017, the chapter hosted an OSA IONS conference with 100 participants with numerous high impact speakers. Every year the chapter participates in Fête de la science at Ecole Polytechnique and Paris Sud University, typically with 100s of visitors and organizes seminars, for example with the founding editor of Nature Photonics. Also, the chapter is impacting directly the community via an annual activity with kindergarten schools in three towns of the region. Read more on their website
You can view our other national student clubs from here.