National optical societies
Currently, the following national optical societies in Europe are members of the EOS. There are two groups of EOS societal members:
EOS Branches
- DGAO (Germany)
- Photonics Finland (Finland)
- SFO France
- IOP Optical Group (UK and Ireland)
- SSOM (Switzerland)
- SOS (Sweden)
- SIOF (Italy)
- HOS (Hungary)
- LOS (Latvia)
EOS Affiliated societies
- NPS Optical Division (Norway)
- PromOptica Belgium
- SPOF (Portugal)
- PPS-OD (Poland)
- CSSF (Czech Republic and Slovakia)
- WLT (Germany)
- USPAO (Ukraine)

Membership options
National Optical societies can join the EOS as a Branch or Affiliated society. To apply, they should contact the EOS office directly.
Annual fee per individual member: 18 €,
per student: 10 €
All individual members of the Branch automatically become full individual EOS members with full benefits.
Any company or institute belonging to an EOS Branch Society can join EOS with a discounted annual fee of 200 € with great benefits
(corporates without Branch membership: 300 €)
IOP members are asked to create a user account and announce IOP membership when registering, in order to activate their individual membership.
Affiliated societies
Annual fee per member: 8 €,
per student: 5 €
All individual members of the Affiliatied society automatically become associate EOS members with limited benefits.
Any company or institute belonging to an EOS Affiliated Society can join EOS with a discounted annual fee of 200 € with great benefits
(corporates without Affiliated membership: 300 €)
EOS Office
+358 50 5924693