Associate individual members

Join the following EOS National Optical Societies and become a part of the European optics and photonics community!

Benefits & Advantages


  • Reduced publication rates for JEOS-RP - the electronic Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid Publications
  • Free subscription to the Electro Optics Magazine published by Europa Science Ltd.
  • Free English Issue of Photoniques Magazine (automatically sent to your postal address unless opted out)
  • Advanced Optical Technologies Journal (AOT) issues published by DeGruyter (2012-2022).


  • Monthly EOS member newsletter (sent via email)

Voting Rights

  • Full voting rights
  • Opportunity for Fellow Distinction
  • International lecturer program of ICO
    • as an EOS member you have a possibility to apply for the ICO Travelling Lecturer Grant.
      The Travelling Lecturer program promotes lectures on modern aspects of optics in interested territories by scientists of international reputation with good lecturing skills. The program is aimed specially at developing nations, but is not necessarily restricted to them. Read more on the ICO website and apply for the grant!


Upgrade to a full individual membership

By purchasing an upgrade to a full individual membership for 12.50 €/year, 3€/year for students, see details on the right.

You will be entitled to additional benefits:

Topical Meetings & Conferences

  • Reduced registration fees for all EOS events

  • Reduced registration fees for all EOS co-sponsored events

  • Reduced registration fees to events organized by EOS Partners (see the MoUs here)


Opportunities for students

We offer opportunities for enthusiastic and interested students to become part of our conference teams. This is a great way to network, get connected with the inner circle, and learn about  the organization process of scientific conferences. We always offer opportunities like this first to our members. Student members can also contribute to local student clubs and much more. Join us and get connected!

Membership options

Join any of the listed below EOS National Optical societies and become an associate member of EOS! The EOS membership fee is included in the fee of the below listed societies. Select your national society on the list and click on the link for more information:

Upgrade to a full individual membership

Annual fee: 12.50 €, for students: 3 €.

Payment options:

  • Register your upgrade here to access to the EOS membership subscriptions.
  • Payment can be made via Paypal or wire transfer (invoice)

Contact EOS Office

Tel.: +358 50 592 4693