EOSAM 2024 Topical Issue

EOSAM 2024 Topical Issue: Publish an extended paper after the conference
The 12th EOSAM, EOSAM2024, is organized in Naples, Italy, 9-13 September 2024.
In addition to the conference proceedings, EOS offers you an opportunity to submit an extended article about the results you present at the conference. These articles will be gathered in the EOSAM 2024 topical issue of the EOS open access peer-reviewed journal: the Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid Publications, JEOS-RP. JEOS-RP is a prompt, open access, high quality communications with peer-reviewing, published by EDP Sciences. The mean time to “first on-line” with DOI is 70 days. The Editorial Board members are all leading, active scholars. You can find more details about the Journal here: https://jeos.edpsciences.org
To be eligible for publication, your submission should add a significant value to the published conference proceedings. It will be subject to the normal standards and peer-review processes of the journal.
Guest Editors
Dr. Luca De Stefano, ISASI-CNR, President of SIOF
Prof. Raffaele Velotta, Dept. of Physics, University of Naples “Federico II”
Submission procedure
The deadline for submissions has been extended until January 31, 2025.
Papers can thus be submitted to this Topical issue at any time up to January 31, 2025. Submitted articles will be reviewed on an ongoing basis and published online as they are accepted and added to this topical issue.
Please familiarize yourself with the journal’s Instructions for authors and Ethical Standards before submitting.
Submit here: https://jeos.nestor-edp.org/
During this submission process you should identified your paper as intended for the Topical Issue entitled "EOSAM2024".
Publication fees
All authors receive a significant discount on the publication fees:
- Short communication (up to 4 pages):
500 € for EOS members
850 € for non-members
-Research paper (above 4 pages):
750 € for EOS members
1100 € for non-members
Not yet a member? No problem! You can join EOS here as an individual or corporate/institution member.
Furthermore, no publication is charged if your Institution/University has signed the “Open Access agreement”.
Check it here.