Recent advances and trends on lasers and nonlinear materials and sources for near-Infrared


The Journal of European Optical Society (JEOS-RP)  is pleased to announce a new Topical Issue entitled “Recent advances and trends on lasers and nonlinear materials and sources for near-Infrared”. 

This Topical issue welcomes articles reporting on recent advances in laser and nonlinear materials to address the remaining scientific and technological challenges of solid-state sources for the near infrared. Materials include bulk and structured crystals, glasses and ceramics, and fibers and waveguides. Improvements in power, efficiency, brightness, stability, wavelength coverage, pulse width, design and applications will be considered. 

Topics of interest for this Topical Issue include, but are not limited to:

  • Rare-earth doped materials for laser emission
  • CW and Pulsed laser technologies
  • Material engineering for frequency conversion
  • Optical parametric generators, amplifiers & oscillators

Submitted manuscripts will undergo a rigorous peer-review process, ensuring the highest standards of scientific quality and integrity expected from the journal JEOS-RP. Papers adding a significant value to the field will be published in this special issue, providing an opportunity for your research to gain visibility and make a significant impact in the field.

Submission deadline for this Topical Issue is July 30, 2025. Papers can be submitted immediately or at any point until this date. Submitted articles will be reviewed on an ongoing basis and published online as they are accepted and added to this THEMATIC Topical issue. 

The median time to “first on-line” with DOI is 70 days.

Papers can be submitted immediately or at any point until this date. Submitted articles will be reviewed on an ongoing basis and published online pending publication of the Topical Issue.

Submission procedure

Please familiarize yourself with the journal’s Instructions for authors and Ethical Standards before submitting.

Submission is done though the submission system:

During this submission process you should identified you paper as intended for the Topical Issue entitled "Recent advances and trends on lasers and nonlinear materials and sources for near-Infrared".

Guest Editors

Prof. Patricia SEGONDS, NEEL Institute, University of Grenoble Alpes, France

Prof. Patrice CAMY, CIMAP Laboratory, University of Caen Normandie, France

JEOS-RP is a prompt, open access, high quality communications with peer-reviewing, published by EDP Science. The Editorial Board members are all leading, active scholars. You can find the scope here: JEOS-RP

The 2023 Impact Factor of the Journal is 1.9.

Publication Fees

All authors receive a significant discount on the publication fees:

Short communication (up to 4 pages):

  • 550 € for EOS members
  • 900 € for non-members

Research paper (above 4 pages):

  • 800 € for EOS members
  • 1150 € for non-members

Not yet a member? No problem! You can join EOS here as an individual or corporate/institution member.

Furthermore, no publication is charged if your Institution/University has signed the “Open Access agreement”. Check it out here.

Save the Date:

Submission Deadline: 30 July 2025