Article collection from the PLASMONICA community

PLASMONICA community

PLASMONICA is affiliated to the Italian Society of Optics and Photonics (SIOF) as the Plasmonics and Nano-Optics Working Group. Its core mission is gathering the nanophotonics community in Italy as well as facilitating international scientific collaborations, personnel exchange, dissemination events (seminars and workshops), and outreach initiatives.

PLASMONICA workshops

PLASMONICA organizes every year a Workshop on Plasmonics and Nano-Optics, each time in a different location throughout Italy. The workshops aim at bringing together the Italian nanophotonics community as well as fostering its connections to wider European research networks. PLASMONICA is also particularly committed to supporting early-stage researchers by encouraging their scientific development by providing them with a platform to showcase their work to broad academic audiences.

The topics of the workshops include: 

  • Nanoantennas and metasurfaces
  • Nonlinear and ultrafast nanophotonics
  • Thermo- and magneto-plasmonics
  • Quantum plasmonics
  • Surface- and tip- enhanced spectroscopies
  • Strong coupling in nanoscale systems
  • Plasmonic (bio)sensing
  • Optical forces at the nanoscale
  • Semiconductor and THz plasmonics
  • Novel optical nanomaterials

PLASMONICA article collection

The European Optical Society offers to the active members of the PLASMONICA community the possibility to submit an extended article/short communication. These publications will contribute to an open-ended collection of research papers, gathering and highlighting the ongoing research of the PLASMONICA community. This Collection is motivated by the intent of PLASMONICA to tangibly support a scientific society-based publication model – that is, made by scientists and for scientists, contributing to spread within the European optical community the awareness of being an actor fully capable of self-determining its own publishing and research policies. The rationale of this editorial initiative is articulated in this Editorial.

Submission procedure

The submitted manuscripts will be subject to the normal standards and peer review processes of the EOS open access peer-reviewed journal: the Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid Publications, JEOS-RP. The accepted articles will thus appear in the current JEOS-RP volume and their inclusion in the PLASMONICA Collection will also be highlighted.

To submit an article to the PLASMONICA Collection, the corresponding author must be a current member of the Italian Society of Optics and Photonics (SIOF)Please familiarize yourself with the journal's Instructions for authors and Ethical Standards before submitting.

Submission is done through the NESTOR portalDuring this submission process, you should identify your manuscript as intended for the Topical Issue entitled "PLASMONICA". Papers can be submitted immediately. Submitted articles will be reviewed on an ongoing basis and published online as they are accepted. The median time to "first on-line" with DOI is 70 days.

Article processing charges

All manuscripts will benefit from the following significantly discounted publication fees:

  • 550 € for a short communication (up to 4 pages)
  • 800 € for a research paper (above 4 pages)

Current guest editors

Nicoletta Granchi (LENS and University of Florence), member of the PLASMONICA Steering Committee.

Antonino Foti (CNR-IPCF Messina), member of the PLASMONICA Steering Committee and member of the organizing committee of the PLASMONICA 2024 Workshop.

Past guest editors


  • Attilio Zilli (Politecnico di Milano), member of the PLASMONICA Steering Committee and member of the organizing committee of the PLASMONICA 2023 Workshop.
  • Antonino Foti (CNR-IPCF Messina), member of the PLASMONICA Steering Committee and member of the organizing committee of the PLASMONICA 2024 Workshop.