
JEOS-RP is the online, open access Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications covering a large scope of research in optics and photonics. JEOS-RP is a peer-reviewed open-access journal which is listed with ISI Journal Citation Reports. ISSN 1990-2573. In addition to the scientific publications, JEOS-RP also publishes Industrial White Papers.

As of the 1st of January 2022, the Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid Publications is published by EDP Sciences.

Publish in JEOS-RP

  • Rigorous peer review​
  • Strict ethical policies following the COPE code of conduct (read more)​
  • Rapid publication: median time from submission to first publication ≈ 73 days (calculated over 2023)​
  • Impact factor: 1.9​
  • Very fair publication fees with no page charges and further discounts for EOS members​
  • Open-access Creative Commons licence (CC BY)
  • Author services: performant search engine, article metrics, bookmarking, online submission, and peer review portal​...
  • Reader services: free e-mail alerts and RSS Feeds, CrossRef®, and DOI​
  • Large visibility of the published papers through indexation in main databases


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