Abstract Submission
Abstract submission has been extended.
Abstract Submission deadline 30 September 2019
Abstracts are submitted online via Conftool:
Authors are requested to submit a two-page abstract, which is formatted according to the EOS abstract guidelines.
All 2-page abstracts submitted and presented at the conference will be added to the proceedings, published with EDP Sciences. The proceedings are indexed in main databases and are available online after the conference. The publication is included in the registration fee.
Please follow the procedure described below:
1) Template
The abstract should be formatted according to the template provided (2-pages, A4 paper size, 2-columns).
Download the template:
LaTeX2e guidelines
The macropackage in LaTeX2e, designed for Web of Conferences, is available via anonymous ftp from the ftp server:
Microsoft Word guidelines

2) Publication right form
Download and sign the publication right form.

When submitting your 2-page abstract to Conftool, submit also this signed form. This form is needed in order to finalize the submission.
3) Important when submitting
- The abstract should be written in English
- Make sure the file is a camera-ready PDF. Follow carefully the Submission guidelines:
Pdf guidelines (301.52 KB).
- Extra care should be taken when preparing the authors and reference lists. The online references within the proceedings will be linked to their original source, via CrossRef, ONLY IF the references are correctly presented. The submitting author is responsible for ensuring the abstract is created according to the template and guidelines provided.
- Be careful, no extra corrections will be made after publication! You must carefully check your article, including:
- authors’ names
- initials
- authors
- affiliations
- references
(which are the most common mistakes).
4) Before submitting the camera-ready PDF file,
- Please check the quality of the final PDF document at
- Remember that:
- Fonts must be embedded in all PDF files
- The quality of the digital images should be at least 300 dpi
5) Submit:
Reuse data
Conference papers may be updated, or enhanced, for further publication as a regular journal article, including submission to journals not published by EDP Sciences. Journal articles derived from work previously published in conference proceedings must contain a substantial amount of new or previously unpublished results. Articles published in Web of Conferences can be uploaded on repository sites (like arXiv) provided the authors cite the source or, if not published yet, they add a note stating that the article is under consideration with Web of Conferences.
The copyright is retained by the author(s) under the Creative Commons Attribution license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors grant EDP Sciences a license to publish their article and identify EDP Sciences as the original publisher. They also grant any third party the right to use, distribute and reproduce the article in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Download the Publication right form. (Within the submission process in Conftool you will be asked to download a signed form with your 2-page abstract).
Indicate the preference format of your presentation (oral/poster) in the submission procedure in Conftool. At least one author is requested to register for the meeting.
Paper Publication in JEOS:RP
Presenters at EOS Topical Meeting on integrated Optics 2019 are kindly invited to consider the submission of a manuscript about their research to the EOS open-access on-line journal JEOS:RP (Journal of the European Optical Society, Rapid Publications,
JEOS:RP publishes articles and review papers on recent scientific research and technological innovations.
A contribution should be original and it will be subjected to the journal’s standard anonymous peer review process for scientific quality.
The average submission-to-first decision time of the journal is 72 days.
Fee for EOS Members is 900 EUR and non EOS Members 1450 EUR.