TOM13 Ultrafast Optical Technologies and Applications
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Thomas Südmeyer University of Neuchatel (CH) |
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The unique properties of ultrashort laser pulses have revolutionized numerous areas in science and industry. Most of these breakthroughs have been intrinsically tied to the successful development of state-of-the-art ultrafast technologies. The purpose of the TOM is to bring together both the developers and the users of ultrafast optical technologies. The focus of this topical meeting is an open discussion on the current statue-of-the-art and future developments, especially focusing on technological aspects. This overview on the advancements in generation and characterization of ultrafast optical pulses will enable a stimulating discussion of new research trends and emerging application fields.
- Femtosecond and picosecond pulse generation from solid state, fiber, semiconductor and waveguide sources
- Mode-locked lasers
- Ultrafast amplifier technologies
- Few-cycle optical pulse generation
- Novel gain materials for ultrafast laser sources
- Compression of ultrashort pulses
- Supercontinuum generation based on ultrashort pulses
- Characterization methods for ultrafast pulses
- Shaping of femtosecond laser pulses
- Carrier-envelope phase characterization and stabilization
- Ultrafast nonlinear parametric systems
- Ultrashort-pulse mid-IR generation and applications
- Ultrashort THz pulse generation and applications
- New approaches for dispersion management
- Technological aspects of micro-machining with ultrashort pulses
- Technological aspects of advanced microscopy with ultrashort pulses
- Technological aspects of attosecond pulse generation
- Technological aspects of high harmonic generation
- Technological aspects ultrafast spectroscopy
- Emerging applications for ultrafast technology
Program Committee
Thomas Allison, Stony Brook University (US)
Ladan Arissian, NIST The University of New Mexico (US)
Fetah Benabid, Xlim (FR)
Giulio Cerullo, Politecnico di Milano (IT)
Hanieh Fattahi, Max Planck Institute (DE)
Almantas Galvanauskas, University of Michigan (US)
Patrick Georges, Laboratoire Charles Fabry de l'Institut d'Optique (FR)
Regina Gumenyuk, Tampere University of Technology (FI)
Christoph Heyl, DESY and Helmholzt Institute Jena (DE)
Ronald Holzwarth, Menlo Systems GmbH (DE)
Constantin Häfner, Fraunhofer Institut für Lasestechnik ILT (DE)
Takuro Ideguchi, The University of Tokyo (JP)
Gil Porat, University of Alberta (CA)
Jan Rothhardt, Helmholtz Institute Jena (DE)
Lucile Rutkowski, Universite de Rennes (FR)
Grzegorz Sobon, Politechnika Wroclawska (PL)
Chaitanya Suddapalli, ICFO (ES)
Konstantin Vodopyanov, University of Central Florida (US)
Catherine Yuriko Teisset, TRUMPF Scientific Lasers GmbH+Co (DE)
Amelle Zair, King’s College London (UK)
Invited Speakers
Title: Time and frequency-resolved nonlinear optical spectroscopy with amplified femtosecond pulse bursts
Andrius Baltuska, TU Wien (AT)
Title: New platforms for generating and characterizing few-cycle laser waveforms
Michael Chini, University of Central Florida (US)
Title: Single-cycle optical frequency combs
Scott Diddams, NIST and the University of Colorado (US)
Title: High-resolution optical frequency comb Fourier transform spectroscopy in the near- and mid-infrared wavelength range
Aleksandra Foltynowicz Matyba, Umeå University (SE)
Title: Machine learning: a new tool for ultrafast photonics applications
Goery Genty, Tampere University (FI)
Title: Laser wakefield accelerators as a broadband radiation source
Amina Hussein, University of Alberta (CA)
Title: High-energy multidimensional solitary states in hollow-core fibers
François Legare, Institut national de la recherche scientifique (CA)
Title: Precision electric-field-resolved infrared spectroscopy
Ioachim Pupeza, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (DE)
Title: How to generate continuously tunable ultrafast optical pulses from 4–12 µm, and applications for this versatile new light source in spectroscopy and sensing
Derryck T. Reid, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh (UK)
Title: KW average power, high pulse energy, ultrafast lasers based on cryo-cooled Yb:YAG
Jorge Rocca, Colorado State University (US)
Title: Advances in high-average power ultrafast THz sources
Clara Saraceno, Ruhr University Bochum (DE)
Title: Fiber-based laser systems emitting in a broad range of the mid-infrared
Jaroslaw Sotor, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (PL)
Title: Ultrafast soliton-driven light sources based on gas-filled hollow-fibre nonlinear optics
John Travers, Heriot-Watt University (UK)
Title: Spatiotemporal mode-locking in fiber lasers
Frank Wise, Cornell University (US)
Title: 13 mW average power ultrafast HHG source
Robert Klas, Friedrich Schiller University Jena (DE)
TitleThe PST beamline: a laboratory-scale setup for extreme ultraviolet ptychography in the silicon transparency window
Lars Loetgering, Friedrich Schiller University
Title: Ultrafast thin-disk amplifier with over 500 mJ pulse energy at 1 kHz repetition rate
Catherine Yuriko Teisset, TRUMPF Scientific Lasers GmbH+Co (DE)
Title: Sub-cycle waveform synthesis with optical parametric amplifiers
Giulio Maria Rossi, CFEL-DESY (DE)
Title: Frequency divide-and-conquer approach to producing ultra-broadband mid-IR frequency combs and single-cycle pulses
Konstantin Vodopyanov, University of Central Florida (US)