TOM 5- Resonant Nanophotonics : fundamentals and applications


Riad rvb Riad Haidar,
Nicolasbonod small

Nicolas Bonod,
Institut Fresnel (FR)

Koenderink 2_copyright:Jeroen Oerlemans

Femius Koenderink,





Nanophotonics aims at controlling light at nanometer scales. The design of nanostructures that can resonantly interact with light is of crucial importance to enhance light matter interactions and to control field distributi-ons at subwavelength scales. These novel nanostructures offer technical and technological solutions with high innovation potential. The TOM 5 will address both fundamental and application aspects of resonant photonics. Topics will cover quantum nano-optics, bio- and chemo- sensing, non-linear optics, metamaterials, optical?trapping, new plasmonic materials, theory and modal analysis, among others.


  • Quantum nano-optics & optical antennas 
  • (Quantum) nanophotonics with 2D materials (e.g., TMDCs) 
  • Metasurfaces for bio- and chemo-sensing applications 
  • Active and tunable optical metasurfaces 
  • Nonlinear optics in nanostructures and metasurfaces 
  • Meta-surfaces & applications 
  • New plasmonic surfaces 
  • Nanomanipulation with light, optical trapping 
  • Metasurfaces for energy applications 
  • Nonreciprocity, and time-modulated nanophotonic materials 
  • Transport in quasiperiodic and random photonic systems 
  • Theory and modelling for nanophotonics and metamaterials,topological non hermitian and non-reciprocal photonics, neuromorphic / deep-learning photonics


Program Committee

Alexandra Boltasseva,
Purdue University (UK)

Jaime Gomez-Rivas,
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (NL)

Niek van Hulst,

Patrick Boulchon,
ONERA The french aerospace lab. (FR)

Jana B. Nieder,
INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Lab. (PT)

Martin Lopez-Garcia,
INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Lab. (PT)

Carsten Rockstuhl,
Karsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)

Rachel Grange,
ETH Zürich (CH)

Isabelle Staude,
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (DE)

Costanza Toninelli,
University of Florence (IT)

Invited Speakers

Second harmonic generation enhancement by polarization-matched nanostructures

Monika Fleischer

Universität Tübingen (DE)



Steven Johnson

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT (US)


Dielectronic nano-cavities and antennas for single-emitter control

Riccardo Sapienza

Imperial College (UK)


Optimatisation of Quantum Dot based Single-Photon Sources

Sarah Thomas