Submission Guidelines
Basic information
Submission is open and closes on 27 March 2025.
Submit here:
Submissions are accepted for oral and poster presentations, for:
Each Topical Meeting and Face2Phase has its own program committee and chairs who will review the submissions. Focused Sessions are led by dedicated chairs.
Authors have the opportunity to publish their abstracts, once accepted and presented, free of charge, in a conference proceedings volume. This must be specified at the submission stage. The proceedings will be published in open access, with a DOI number assigned to each article.
All presenting authors, as well as any attending co-authors, need to register for the conference.
In addition, the EOS provides the possibility to publish a revised/extended version of your proceedings manuscript in the special issue on EOSAM 2025, published in the open-access Journal of the European Optical Society, JEOS-RP, with lowered publication fees.
Best student presentations will be awarded.
How to Submit
Please follow these guidelines when submitting your abstract. Submissions not following the template or guidelines will be rejected.
No changes to the abstract will be accepted after the submission closes.
1) Submission Template
The abstract should be formatted according to the template provided (either LaTex or MS Word).
Submit the abstract as one camera-ready PDF file: A4 paper size, 1-2 pages, 1 column, written in English.
Please do not include links in your PDF.
LaTeX2e template
Download Macropackage in LaTeX2e (697.43 KB)
Microsoft Word template
Download the Word template for abstracts (34.95 KB).
If you want your paper to be included in the proceedings, it has to be 2 pages long and formatted in a single-column layout.
2) How to submit via Conftool
- Submit here:
- Select the correct topic in the submission phase. Double-check your choice.
- Choose a preference for either oral or poster presentation (submission format).
- Select the presenting author (this name will be added to the program). If no name is selected, the submitting author will be listed as the presenter by default.
- Choose "student presentation" if, and only if, the presenting author is a student. All presentations by students will be considered for the best student presentation award.
- Upload your 2-page 1-column abstract as a camera-ready PDF file.
- If you wish to publish your abstract in the proceedings volume, after the conference, select “YES” to the question “I want to publish my abstract in the proceedings volume”. By doing so, you give the permission for the organizer to sign this license form on your behalf. The 2-page 1-column PDF abstract must follow the publishing guidelines and templates mentioned above, otherwise, it will not be included in the proceedings.
3) Other guidelines
- Instructions "How to prepare your article"
- Instructions "How to write title and abstract"
- Ethical rules
- General editorial guideline
More information on
Please note that all submitted articles should be checked using a plagiarism detection tool, and any ethical misconduct will be taken very seriously. Please make sure that all co-authors are included in the paper, and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version for publication.
If the corresponding author decides to submit his/her abstract to the proceedings volume, the (accepted and presented) version of the abstract will be published online, in open access, in EPJ Web of Conferences (, published by EDP Sciences, if the abstract follows the previously mentioned submission guidelines. Each article will be assigned a DOI number and will be referenced via CrossRef®. See the online proceedings from EOSAM 2024.
- The author gives permission for the organizers to sign the license form on their behalf.
- The 2-page 1-column PDF abstract must follow the publishing guidelines and templates mentioned above, otherwise, it will not be included in the proceedings.
- Be careful, no changes to the abstract will be accepted after the submission closes.
- Extra care should be taken when preparing the authors and reference lists.
- Ensure that your article contains timely, accurate, and relevant references.
- The references of your publication will be linked to their original source via CrossRef ONLY IF the references are correctly presented.
- The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that the abstract is created according to the template and guidelines provided.
Please note:
Once a paper is published online, the Publisher will be unable to replace a PDF file with another one, neither add a correction directly in the published PDF file. According to the standard ethical practices in scientific publishing, any correction post-publication will require to publishing of an erratum/corrigendum.
Any correction or erratum post-publication will be charged starting from 300€ (Euros) per article except if the error is on the part of the Publisher.
Extended publication in JEOS-RP
After the conference, we offer you an opportunity to submit an extended article about the results you present at the conference. These articles will be gathered in the EOSAM 2025 topical issue of the EOS open-access peer-reviewed journal: the Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid Publications, JEOS-RP. In addition to the Proceedings, this is an excellent opportunity for the authors to reach an even wider audience by publishing in this Special Issue.
JEOS-RP is a prompt, open-access, high-quality publication with peer-reviewing, published by EDP Sciences. The mean time to First Online with DOI is 70 days. The Editorial Board members are all leading, active scholars. You can find more details about the Journal here:
To be eligible for publication, your submission should add significant value to the published conference proceedings. It will be subject to the normal standards and peer-review processes of the journal.
All authors receive a significant discount on the publication fees. For more information, visit our website.