Invited Speakers
As in previous years, EOSAM 2025 will feature high-level invited speakers, who will take the stage at the conference in Delft, on 24–28 August 2025.
Below a list of all confirmed invited speakers, more information can be found under each topic.
TOM-Optical Materials
Monika Fleischer, University Tubingen (DE): Plasmonic nano-antenna arrays for position-resolved single-fluorophore spectroscopy
Nicolo Maccaferri, Umea University (SE): Ultrafast phenomena at the nanoscale
TOM-Ultrafast Phenomena
Regina Gumenyuk, Tampere University (FI): Power scaling of optical vortices
Hanieh Fattahi, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (DE): Femtosecond Fieldoscopy for sensitive label-free spectro-microscopy
TOM-Optical Fiber Technology
Filipe Marques Ferreira, University College London (UK): Maximising Optical Fibre Capacity: Advances in Spatial Multiplexing and Optimised Transmission
Ann Margareth Rosa Brusin, Politecnico di Torino (IT): Machine learning for accelerating multi-band optical communication systems optimization
TOM-Applications of Optics and Photonics
Luís Coelho, INESCTEC (PT): Enhancing Optical Sensing with Nanocoatings for Advanced Chemical and Biological Detection
Rosana Perez, HERRERA, UPNA, Universidad Publica de Navarra (ES): Microdisplacement sensors based on optical fibre using an ultrafast laser-assisted etching technique
Andre Gomes, Leibniz-IPHT (DE): Super-resolution STED microscopy through a holographic multimode fibre endoscope
Martina Delgado Pinar, University of Valencia (ES): to be announced