Information for presenters


At least one author per submission is requested to register for the meeting.
Presenter registration deadline: 8 July 2024. The Early Bird discount also ends on 08 July.

Register here:

Registration fees:

Invited Speakers should have received their registration code by email. If not, please contact the organizing team at eosam[at] to request it.

EOSAM 2024 will be held onsite in Naples, Italy, from 9-13 September 2024.

Venue and how to get there

The schedule is available here:



Oral Presentations

Length of oral presentations

The time slots within the schedule include time for questions. Presenters need to make sure not to go over the scheduled presentation time, in order to be able to manage and keep the scheduled times for other speeches within the session.

Plenary presentations 35 min presentation + 10 min for questions (45 minutes including Q&A)

Invited presentations 
(30 min for TOMs and Focused Sessions.

Specific time slots for EU, ESRS, and IMOTS sessions,
please check detailed schedule.)

25 min presentation + 5 min for questions (30 minutes including Q&A)

Contributed (Oral) Presentations
12 min presentation + 3 min for questions (15 minutes including Q&A)

Presentation format

Please bring your presentation on a USB mass storage, and include all video files (if any). File formats: ppt, pptx, or pdf.

For Mac users

To make sure your presentation is displayed correctly, please bring your presentation as a PDF file with fonts embedded or test your presentation on a Windows-based computer before the conference.

Technical equipment

Technical equipment (presentation computer, video projector) will be available on-site. It is not possible to use your personal laptop! If you need sound for your presentation, be sure to let us know well in advance.


Poster presentations

Length of poster presentations

Both poster sessions (two sessions) are 1 hour in length.

Poster session times:

Wednesday, 11/Sept/2024, 12:15 - 13:15

Thursday, 12/Sept/2024, 12:15 - 13:15

Poster authors are requested to be present at their posters during the official poster sessions. Any author presenting the poster, could put up the poster on Tuesday and collect it at the end of the conference. This will enable attendees on all days to enjoy the posters.

Print your poster in advance for the conference. Poster set-up and removal are the responsibility of the authors. Any posters left on the poster boards at the end of Friday will be discarded. Poster numbers will be displayed on the poster boards to show authors where to place their posters.

Required poster size: Posters should be printed in the size of DIN A0 (841 x 1189 mm) in a portrait format (no landscape format). Tape will be provided by the organizer.



Health policies

Make sure to come onsite feeling well. Precautions should be taken by each participant to enable a safe conference for all. The conference organizers follow the policies of the authorities and the venue.

Information / Receipts / Confirmation of attendance

Attendees requiring a payment receipt or confirmation of attendance may obtain these documents after the conference by email from the EOS office:


All accepted, presented abstracts, where the author chose YES for the proceedings during the submission process in ConfTool, will be added to the online, open access proceedings, published with EDP Sciences, in the Web of conferences, with DOI and indexation to CrossRef®, and added in the printed version of proceedings, published by Curran Associates. See the online proceedings from EOSAM 2023.


JEOS-RP - Topical Issue EOSAM 2024

In addition to the conference proceedings, EOS offers you an opportunity to submit an extended article about the results you present at the conference. These articles will be gathered in the EOSAM 2024 topical issue of the EOS open access peer-reviewed journal: the Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid Publications, JEOS-RP

Submission Information

To be eligible for publication, your submission should add significant value to the published conference proceedings. It will be subject to the normal standards and peer review processes of the journal JEOS-RP.

The submission deadline for this EOSAM 2024 topical issue is December 31, 2024. Submitted articles will be reviewed on an ongoing basis and published online as they are accepted and added to this topical issue.

Guest Editors

  • Dr. Luca De Stefano, ISASI-CNR, Napoli, President of SIOF
  • Prof. Raffaele Velotta, Dept. of Physics, University of Naples “Federico II”


JEOS-RP is a prompt, open access, high-quality communication with peer-reviewing, published by EDP Science. The Editorial Board members are all leading, active scholars. You can find the scope here:

Submit here:

Publication Fees

All authors receive a significant discount on the publication fees:

  • Short communication (up to 4 pages):
    • 500 € for EOS members*
    • 850 € for non-members
  • Research paper (above 4 pages):
    • 750 € for EOS members*
    • 1100 € for non-members

* Discounted APC for EOS members

Members of the European Optical Society (EOS) submitting to JEOS-RP receive a further discount on the article-processing charge.

Check if you are already a member

Furthermore, no publication is charged if your Institution/University has signed the “Open Access agreement”, as is the case for many French institutions.

Check it here.