Invited Speakers

EOSAM 2024 is proud to announce the following high-level invited speakers that take the stage at the conference in Napoli, 9-13 September 2024.
Below a list of all confirmed invited speakers, more information can be found under each Topical meeting or Focused session.


TOM1- Silicon Photonics and integrated optics

Yasuhiko Arakawa, University of Tokyo (JP): Advances in silicon photonics with quantum dot lasers

Lionel Kimerling, Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT (US): Silicon photonics technology elements and the roadmap to implementation (Keynote)

Iain Crowe, University of Manchester (UK): Silicon photonics for on-chip spectroscopy and sensing applications

Pierre Berini, University of Ottawa (CA): Plasmonic optoelectronic devices and metasurfaces 

Valerio Vitali, University of Pavia (IT): Broadband Wavelength Conversion in Si-rich Silicon Nitride Waveguides Based on Intermodal Four-Wave Mixing

Joan Ramirez, Nokia Bell Labs (FR): The heterogeneous III-V/Si photonic platform: Challenges and opportunities

Robert Halir, University of Malaga (ES): Integrated optical metamaterials for communications and sensing

Claudio Otón, Scuola Superiore Santa Anna (IT): Phase-based sensing devices on chip


TOM2- Frontiers in Optical Metrology

Robert Kuschmierz, TU Dresden (DE): Measuring and compensating the optical transfer functions of flexible imaging waveguides for lensless endoscopy

Lisa Miccio, CNR-ISASI (IT): In-flow tomographic imaging for single cells analysis

Manuela T. Raimondi, Politecnico di Milano (IT): Organisms-on-a-chip

Giorgio Brida, INRIM (IT): Development of silicon photodetectors for absolute optical power measurement

Kamil Postava, Technical University of Ostrava (CZ): Terahertz time-domain spectroscopic ellipsometry

Pascal Picart, Le Mans University (FR): Recent advances in noise modeling and reduction in dual and multi-wavelength digital holographic metrology

Sergio Adrián Tovar Pérez, TU Darmstadt (DE): Non-linear interferometers – A convenient tool for (quantum) sensing with undetected light

Martin Oheim, CNRS (FR): Near-interface sensing, imaging and nanometrology using smart surfaces.


TOM3- Optical System Design, Tolerancing and Manufacturing

Jens Bliedtner, EAH Jena (DE): New polishing concepts for optical components in flexible and efficient process chains

Julie Bentley, University of Rochester (US): Aberration principles of zoom lens groups for computational zoom lens design

Tayyab Suratwala, NIF, LLNL (US): Optic technologies for high energy & power laser systems

Jessica DeGroote Nelson, Edmund Optics (US): High Order Surface Artifacts on Aspheres and their Interpretation in Metrology and Tolerancing

Daewook Kim, University of Arizona (US): Inflatable on-axis and off-axis space telescope designs

Vladan Blahnik, Fridrich-Schiller-Universität (DE): A new type of wide-angle lenses with superior perspective projection

Hannah Noble, Meta (US): Polarization optical design in AR/VR product development

Marco Hanft, Carl Zeiss AG (DE): NEW TECHNOLOGIES AS KEY COMPONENTS IN OPTICAL SYSTEMS Which key fits into which lock?


TOM4- BioPhotonics and biosensors

Elisa Michelini, Dept. of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician", University of Bologna (IT): Bioluminescence biosensing platforms for One Health: from paper sensors to thread-based analytical devices

Jakub Dostalek, Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CZ): Ultrasensitive plasmonic biosensors with single molecule readout

Izabela Kaminska, Center for NanoScience (CeNS, Ludwig Maximilians-Universität München (DE): Graphene Energy Transfer (GET) and DNA Nanotechnology for single-molecule biosensing and biophysics

Francesca Pennacchietti, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SE): Live cell imaging at the nanoscale


TOM5- Nanophotonics

Otto Muskens, University of Southampton (UK): Shaping light using ultrafast and programmable nano-optics 

Jorge Olmos Trigo, Material Physics Center (MPC), San-Sebastian (SP): Solving Maxwell's equations using polarimetry alone

Kristina Frizyuk, University of Brescia, (IT): Second harmonic Circular Dichroism in achiral Nanostructures

Andreas Tittl, LMU Munich (DE): Spectrally selective metasurfaces for spatially encoded light-matter coupling

Thomas Bauer, University of Amsterdam (NL): Tunable atomically-thin Metasurfaces exploiting 2D Exciton Polaritons


TOM6- Optical Materials

Thierry Cardinal, CNRS (FR): How exotic oxide glasses can provide solutions for integrated optics

Lars Österlund, Uppsala University (SE): Wide-angle transmitting and solar light modulating yttrium Mie resonators: Yttrium hydroxide coated glass nanopillars

Zhenda Xie, Nanjing University (CN): Broadband Kerr comb generation using Lithium niobate on insulator microresonator

Maria Antonietta Vincenti, University of Brescia (IT): From gradient index optics to tunable ENZ: an iontronic approach


TOM7- Ultrafast Phenomena

Birgitta Bernhardt, Graz University of Technology (AU): Dual comb spectroscopy for environmental sensing

Aurélie Jullien, Institut de Physique de Nice (FR): Thermo-optical liquid-crystal phase modulator for ultrafast optics, driven by neural network

Giuseppe Sansone, Freiburg University (DE): New perspectives for attosecond science at Free Electron Lasers

Chiara Trovatello, Columbia University (US): Quasi-phase-matched up- and down-conversion in periodically poled layered semiconductors


TO8- Nonlinear and Quantum Optics

Juan Sebastian Totero Gongora, Loughborough University (UK): Gain-controlled nonlinearities and interactions for complexity-driven photonic reservoir computing

Karolina Slowik, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun (PL): Light interactions with polar quantum systems

Hui Cao, Yale University (US): Spatiotemporal dynamics of semiconductor microcavity lasers


TOM9- Opto-electronics, Nanotechnologies & Microsystems

Salvatore Surdo, Università di Pisa (IT): Laser beam shaping in ultrasound-controlled liquid media for high-throughput material processing

Silvia Romano, ISASI-CNR (IT): Optical Biosensors based on Bound States in the Continuum: a new paradigm in Healthcare and Food Quality Assessment

Fabio Antonio Bovino, SAPIENZA University of Rome (IT): Quantum Phase Operator

Tong Wu, LP2N (FR): Revisiting temporal coupled-mode theory in ultrafast physics: an ab-initio approach


TOM10- Applications of Optics and Photonics

Luigino Criante, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IT): Laser-assisted micromachining: an innovative tool for advancing the multifunctional optofluidic lab-on-a-chip

Silvie Bernatova, IPCF-CNR (CZ): Detection of microplastics and nanoplastics: Are Raman tweezers and enhanced Raman methods the solution for sub 20 µm particles?

Zouheir Sekkat, MAScIR-UM6P (MA): Mode coupling and sensing in plasmonic layered structures

Stefano Ferretti, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IT): Free space whispering gallery mode microlasers as highly sensitive biosensors

Anthony Beaucamp, Keio University (JP): Light-field based 3D optical tweezers

Martina Delgado-Pinar, University of Valencia (ES): Novel Forward Brillouin Scattering measurement technique based on high-Q fiber ring resonator.


Focused Session 1: Holography and Structured light

Robert Fickler, Tampere University (FI): Generalized angle-orbital-angular-momentum Talbot effect

Enrique J Galvez, Colgate University (US): Investigating gravitational lensing diffraction in the laboratory with structured light

Jörg Bernhard Götte, University of Glasgow (UK): Paraxial and non-paraxial optical skyrmions

Dmitry Pushin, University of Waterloo (CA): Structured neutron waves and neutron holography

Carlos Hernández-García, Universidad de Salamanca (ES): Structured light in attoscience


Focused Session 2: Optical Fibers Technology

Jean-Charles Beugnot, FEMTO-ST, Université de Franche-Comté (FR):  Nanofiber platform to manipulate photons and phonons 

Andrea Fiore, Eindhoven University of Technology (NL): Nanophotonic Fiber-Tip Sensors

Sile Nic Chormaic, OIST Graduate University (JP): Integrating optical nanofibres with cold rubidium ground-state and Rydberg atoms


Focused Session 3: Passive Radiative Cooling

Aaswath P. Raman, University of California, Los Angeles (US): Radiative Cooling: Ten Years of Progress in Daytime Radiative Cooling and New Frontiers


Focused Session 4: Photonics for cultural heritage

Alessandra Botteon, CNR-ISPC, Milano (IT): Raman spectroscopy advancements in heritage science 

Benedetto Ardini, Politecnico di Milano, Physics Department (IT): Multi-scalar and multi-modal wide-field imaging of artworks with a novel hyperspectral system


Focused Session 5: Machine-Learning for Optics and Photonic Computing for AI

Benjamin Wetzel, CNRS - XLIM Research Institute (FR): Characterization and machine-learning optimization of modulation instability processes in nonlinear fiber optics

Jasper Riebesehl, Technical University of Denmark (DK): Machine learning techniques for noise characterization of optical frequency combs


EU Project Session: Sensing and more

Susmita Sridhar, Tematys (FR): Ultrasensitive BIOsensing platform for multiplex CELLular protein PHEnotyping at single-cell level

Dawson Bonneville, University of Twente (NL): On-chip PHotonics Erbium-doped Laser for LIdar


Matthieu Roussey, University of Eastern Finland (FI): Revolutionary Accuracy in waVeguide- and photoacoustic-ENabled atmospheric sensors (RAVEN)

Animesh Jha, University of Leeds (UK): ISMarD: Smart, Multifunctional Dental Implants: A Solution for Peri-Implantitis and Bone Loss


EU Project Session: Quantum and more

Maria Antonietta Ferrara, CNR (IT): moleculAR maTerials for on-chip intEgrated quantuM lIght sourceS

Marta Sans, ICFO (ES): 2D materials enabled Wide spectrum image sensors and optical NEURAL network based low power consumption computer VISION (2DNEURALVISION)

Daniel Díaz Rivas, Lund University (SE): SISHOT - Single-shot, ultrashort laser pulse characterization based on the dispersion scan technique

Erik Benkler, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (DE): SEQUOIA: Sensing Quantum Optical Coherence Tomography with AI