EOSAM Exhibition 10 - 12 September 2024
EOSAM Exhibition takes place 10-12 September 2024 in Naples (EOSAM conference program starts on Monday 9 September and ends on Friday 13 September).
Here you can have a look at the 2023 Exhibition.
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The European Optical Society Annual meeting, EOSAM, is a major international scientific conference and exhibition. EOSAM is held 9-13 September 2024 in Naples, Italy.
Collocated with the EOSAM conference, we again hold an industrial exhibition to bridge the gap between research and industry. We offer the industrial forum as a new option for companies to bring forth their HR or product related news to the whole audience of the EOSAM. In addition, EOSAM includes an industrial optics podium session and a topical meeting on design, tolerancing and manufacturing. We invite all exhibitors to take part in the scientific program and submit a paper to any of the topical meetings and sessions. Companies also have an option to book a private room for interviews or other meetings.
Reserve your table and sponsoring package now to ensure you receive the best spot and visibility at the conference. Items are sold as first booked-first served (Gold and Silver sponsors will have priority in selecting the booth location).
EOSAM was established specifically to provide a platform for experts in the field of optics and photonics, bringing forth new research results, the state of the art, and bridging the gap between research, education, and industry. EOSAM provides the companies with the perfect setting to promote their expertise and products, announce job opportunities, create new leads, and strengthen the existing ones.
EOSAM is attended by over 500 attendees each year, including top researchers, key leaders, students and industry experts from over 30 different countries all over the world. EOSAM has been organized since 2006 in France, Scotland, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and Portugal.
Join as EOS corporate member to benefit from the discount, email: elina[at]europeanoptics.org
Exhibition Booth 6sqm
✓ Exhibition space 6sqm (no frame)
✓ Table and chairs
✓ Conference entrance and exhibition ticket to one (1) company representative, including coffees, lunches, welcome reception, conference dinner, networking events and admission to all scientific program and the exhibition
✓ Logo on the official EOSAM2024 Exhibitor website
✓ Logo on the official Mobile app, under Exhibition
Included in Gold and Silver Sponsoring.
Entrance ticket for additional person (exhibition and conference), 500€
✓ One additional conference and exhibition entrance ticket to one (1) company representative, including coffees, lunches, welcome reception, conference dinner, networking events and admission to all scientific program and the exhibition
Included in Gold Sponsoring.
Logo Sponsoring
Logo added online, app and onsite as “Sponsor”
Displaying the company logo
✓On the official EOSAM2024 Sponsorship website
✓ In the registration area at the conference
✓ In the official Mobile app, under Sponsors
Industrial Forum talk (2-5 min) - Limited number of slots!
Choice between two sessions for presenting your company, depending on your preference.
Feel free to book a slot in both sessions, discounts will apply if multiple items are selected:
- HRES (Human Resource Employer Session ) in the main auditorium room
- PPS (Product Presentation Session) in the main auditorium room
You will receive a speaking slot within the session of your choice. All companies within the session will have the same length of speaking time. The session is moderated by a chair. The presentation material (provided as pdf by companies) will be available for all attendees on the mobile app (similar to the submitted abstracts available within the schedule).
The sessions will not overlap with other scientific or industrial program or exhibition visiting times.
Included in Gold Sponsoring.
Private room
Private room for HR interviews or private meetings
Book your private meeting room during the conference. Ask the organizers for more information on this option.
Industrial poster
Companies have an opportunity to show their know-how to the conference attendees by sending a poster to be shown inside the conference room. This is an efficient way to promote your company. The intention of the poster is to present the know-how of the company (rather than marketing products).
There is no presentation involved with the poster. Companies provide the poster.
Industrial posters will be reviewed for contents by the EOS Industrial Committee.
The short abstract (max. 600 words) you submit is meant solely to describe to the industrial committee what your poster will contain, and it will not be published in the proceedings of the conference.
Accepted posters will be visible in the conference room for the duration of the conference. Acceptance will be made on first come, first served basis.
To get the most benefit and visibility out of your attendance, we suggest to become a Gold or Silver sponsor. Gold and Silver sponsors will get most visibility before and during the conference and exhibition.
Join as EOS corporate member to benefit from the discount, email: elina[at]europeanoptics.org
Fees: EOS Corporate Members / Corporate Non-Members
GOLD PACKAGE 4.000 / 5.000 € (incl. SILVER PACKAGE)
SILVER PACKAGE 2.500 / 3.000 €
Exhibition Booth 6 sqm
Includes one conference and exhibition ticket
2.000 / 2.500 €
Logo Sponsoring SILVER / GOLD
Logo added online, app, and onsite as "GOLD" or "SILVER" sponsor
only for SILVER/GOLD
Industrial Forum Talk
2-5 min talk in either session:
- HRES (Human Resource Employer Session) in the main auditorium room
- PPS (Product Presentation Session) in the main auditorium room
1.000 €
Additional Entrance Ticket or Industrial Poster
Additional entrance for exhibition and conference (total 2 people for Gold package)
OR industrial poster on display in the conference rooms during the whole conference (posters provided by companies)
500 €
Rollup with great placement
On display in the conference venue in a central location
1.000 €
incl. booth and logo sponsoring SILVER
✓ Exhibition Booth
✓ Conference entrance and exhibition ticket to one (1) company representative, including coffees, lunches, welcome reception, conference dinner, networking events and admission to all scientific program and the exhibition *
Displaying the company logo as SILVER Sponsor
✓On the official EOSAM2024 Exhibitor and Sponsorship website
✓ In the registration area at the conference
✓ In the conference Mobile application
✓ In conference room screens during breaks (only GOLD and SILVER Sponsors)
incl. silver sponsor package, additional ticket for exhibition and conference, industrial forum, rollup with great placement
✓ Exhibition Booth
✓ Conference entrance and exhibition tickets to two (2) company representatives, including coffees, lunches, welcome reception, conference dinner, networking events and admission to all scientific program and the exhibition *
* If second entrance ticket is not needed, you can send an Industrial poster(s) to the conference instead, to the topical meeting(s) of your choice.
✓ Industrial Forum
Displaying the company logo as GOLD Sponsor
✓ On the official EOSAM2024 homepage (only GOLD Sponsors)
✓ On the official EOSAM2024 Exhibitor and Sponsorship website
✓ In the registration area at the conference
✓ In the conference Mobile application
✓ In conference room screens during breaks (only GOLD and SILVER Sponsors)
Not a member yet? Join EOS ar corporate member here (only 200 EUR for any corporate member of EOS national societies, for others: 300 EUR per calendar year)
Contact us:
Elina Koistinen
EOS Executive Director
Email: elina@europeanoptics.org
Phone, Whatsapp: +358 50 592 4693