Industrial mastering of optical technologies and systems, IMOTS


Oliver fahnle 1   

Oliver Fähnle

Marco hanft okt 2019 3 profil Marco Hanft

Carl Zeiss AG,
Jena (DE)


Optical and photonics technologies are important enabler for innovation. Startups as well as small and medium-sized enterprises very often drive technological developments and make technologies, components, and materials available. Along with the technologies, competencies or processes also evolve. The session IMOTS offers a platform for companies and innovators to present their technologies, competencies, and solutions as invited speakers. There is a special focus on building understanding of the technological core and competencies. The session offers the audience an outstanding compilation of innovative technologies. This provides many starting points for discussions, cooperation or the generation of new ideas.


Session organized by the Industrial Advisory Committee of EOS, session chaired by Oliver Fähnle and Marco Hanft. Submissions only by invitation.

Invited Speakers

NIL Technology ApS (DK)
Theodor Nielsen

Title: Meta Optical Elements Product by Nanoimprint Lithography

ANAX (Startup mit Cystall optic) (JP)
Anthony Beaucamp  

Title: Automated design of individually shaped freeform arrays and their applications.



SLF Svenska Laserfabriken AB (SE)
Max Widmarsson

Title: Making an entire Optical Parametric Oscillators (OPO) smaller than a coin



Nanoretina (IL)

Title: Retinaimplantate


Christophe Weisse

Title: Interfacing FEM analyses with optical design and simulations


InSpek (FR)
Jérôme Michon 

Title: Raman-on-a-chip technology



phaseform (DE)
Pouya Rajaeipour

Title: Deformable Phase Plates for Adaptive Optics: A Simple Solution for Correcting Complex Aberrations



Scantinel Photonics (DE)
Frank Gindele

Title: LIDAR


Fabian Durr und Alejandro Sanchez

Title: Streamlined design of imaging systems under realistic conditions


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