EOSAM Detailed schedule:
The European Optical Society Annual Meeting, EOSAM, covers all aspects of optics and photonics. It is attended annually by over 500 top researchers, key leaders, students, and industry experts from over 30 different countries all over the world.
EOSAM consists of a week full of scientific, industrial, and educational program, specifying each but also bringing together all domains. EOSAM is a great platform for presenting the most recent research results, for connecting and catching up, as well as bridging the gap between research, education and industry.
Below you will find general information about the conference program during the week. More detailed information will be added closer to the conference.
As in previous EOSAM conferences, in addition to the conference program including contributed, invited, and plenary speakers during Tuesday-Friday, we wish to provide an additional benefit to all registered attendees at EOSAM in the form of tutorials covering TOM topics. Participation in these tutorials is free for all registered participants of the conference but separate registration is required.
Tuesday - Friday
The conference program is started on Tuesday morning with the opening ceremony for the conference. We follow this with over 500 presentations in parallel sessions of the topical meetings, plenary talks, special sessions e.g. on EU projects, Early Researcher session, poster sessions, coffees and lunches onsite, industrial exhibition, conference dinner, and more. Networking is an important aspect of the EOSAM experience so we will provide several opportunities for you to interact with colleagues. Dates, times and other details for the events and sessions within the detailed program overview.
Topical meetings and special sessions
EU project session
Early Stage Researcher Session
Poster Sessions
Annual General Assembly of EOS (all EOS members are welcome to attend)
EOS Fellow and Honorary Member Ceremony