Guest of Honor and Plenary Speaker
Bernard Kress, Microsoft, USA
After 50 years in the making,
have diffractives finally captured the attention of mainstream industry?
Invited Speakers
Benfeng Bai, Tsinghua University, China (Cancelled)
Manipulation and near-field characterization of optical spin-obit interactions in nanostructures
Sven Burger, Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany
Spectral Expansion of the Scattering Response of Resonant Nanostructures
Andreas Erdmann, Fraunhofer IISB Erlangen, Germany
Understanding and Optimization of EUV Light Diffraction and Imaging for Lithography
Patrice Genevet, Université côte d’azur, France
Semiconductor Metasurfaces and Applications
Michael A. Golub, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Non-paraxial design of diffractive optical elements and meta-surfaces
Tommi Hakala, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Condensation and lasing phenomena in periodic nanoparticle lattices
Jürgen Jahns, Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany
Planar-integrated free-space optics - old concept, new applications
Philippe Lalanne, Institut d’Optique, France
Rigorous modal analysis of nanoresonators
Uwe Zeitner, Fraunhofer IOF Jena, Germany
Tailored diffraction by lithographically realized nano-structures