Call for papers: EOSAM 2022 Submission open

  • On Tuesday, 01 march 2022

Submit your research to EOSAM 2022 and be part of the major event in optics and photonics in Europe


The European Optical Society Annual Meeting, EOSAM, is organized 12 - 16 September 2022. 
The conference will be held onsite in Porto, Portugal. Submission is now open.


The European Optical Society Annual meeting (EOSAM) is a major international scientific conference with industry presence, held fully onsite 12 - 16 September 2022 in Porto. EOSAM gathers annually over 500 top researchers, key leaders, students and industry experts together.

You will be enticed by the beautiful and lively city of Porto together with a full week of novel research results presented from the widest range of optics and photonics fields. EOSAM includes several topical meetings, tutorials, special sessions, several high-level plenary speeches, poster sessions, Industrial Exhibition, Networking event/ Dinner, Annual General Assembly of EOS, Award Ceremonies and so much more. See you there!


Submit your paper to any of the topical meetings (TOM) or Sessions mentioned below, all topics under optics and photonics included:

TOM1: Silicon Photonics and Guided-Wave Optics

TOM2: Computational, Adaptive and Freeform Optics - focus on Illumination, AR/VR and information driven systems

TOM3: Optical System Design, Tolerancing and Manufacturing

TOM4: Bio-Medical Optics

TOM5: Resonant Nanophotonics

TOM6: Optical Materials: crystals, glasses, thin films, nanostructures/nanocrystals, metasurfaces, organic molecules and polymers, synthesis...

TOM7: Thermal radiation and energy management

TOM8: Nonlinear and Quantum Optics

TOM9: Opto-electronic Nanotechnologies and Complex Systems

TOM10: Frontiers in Optical Metrology

TOM11: Tapered Optical Fibers, from fundamentals to applications

TOM12: Optofluidics

TOM13: Advances and Applications of Optics and Photonics

EU Project Session

Early Stage Researcher Session

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