Quantum Optics and Quantum Materials Summer School

From Monday, 26 may 2025 to Friday, 30 may 2025

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Quantum optics quantum materials summer school

The Quantum Optics and Quantum Materials Summer School will be held from May 26–30, 2025, in Lecce, Italy.

The school is a Quantum Week that gathers together worldwide renowned, leading experts to deliver key lectures to PhD students and Postdocs interested in the following topics:

  • Quantum Technology and Quantum Computers
  • Quantum Optics and Manybody Physics
  • Quantum Materials and Quantum Information
  • Quantum Magnetism and Spintronics
  • Superconductivity

A poster session will showcase the most promising student research. The event will also feature engaging social activities, including evening talks in a historical theater, a social dinner, an excursion to a explore a natural park, and a welcome cocktail featuring the interactive QTris quantum game. These events aim to foster interaction between students and lecturers, promoting a strong collaborative network. The organisers emphasize gender equality and encourage diverse participation.

The Quantum Optics and Quantum Materials school is part of the I-Phooqs Quantum Weeks activities, organized by I-Phooqs Infrastructural Network and funded by the European Union through the NextGenerationEU initiative. The school is designed to educate students on the latest advances in quantum sciences and technologies, focusing on quantum materials, nanodevices, and photonics. It will cover cutting-edge research in quantum computing and quantum information, exploring various platforms from superconductors to quantum materials and photons. This school is part of the portfolio of four EIC Pathfinder Challenge projects:

  • Project ARTEMIS: “moleculAR maTerials for on-chip intEgrated quantum lIght sourceS”
  • Project IQARO: "SpIn-orbitronic QuAntum bits in Reconfigurable 2D-Oxides"
  • Project Q-ONE: "Quantum Optical Networks based on Exciton-polaritons"
  • Project FERROMON: "Ferrotransmons and Ferrogatemons for Scalable Quantum Computers"

More information: https://qoqm.nanotec.cnr.it