Forest&Photonics 2024

On Thursday, 31 october 2024 from 12:30 at 18:00

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FOREST AND PHOTONICS: Designing Forested Environments in 2040 session brings together leading companies, researchers, and experts in the field to jointly identify technology solutions to the future challenges of using forest resources: 

  • What kind of smart forestry planning measures and value chains reconcile the procurement of wood biomass, the goals of carbon sequestration, and the preservation of biodiversity while taking economic, social, and ecological sustainability into account?
  • What kind of data sources and monitoring approaches are needed to evaluate the impacts of the adopted measures?
  • How can we prepare for risks elevated by climate change in order to safeguard the vitality and production of forests?
  • How could the forest bioeconomy side streams and circular economy opportunities be better utilized?
  • How do photonics, the science and technology of light, contribute to forestry today and tomorrow?
  • What role could artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies potentially play as enabling technologies?

The session is hosted by the University of Eastern Finland and Business Joensuu in collaboration with the other members and partners of Forest Joensuu and Photonics Joensuu innovation ecosystems.

Register your participation for the event HERE

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