From Monday, 27 march 2023 to Friday, 31 march 2023
- San José
Since 1992, Ibero-American researchers and educators have gathered to create partnerships and to promote advances and new research lines in the field of optics and photonics. For the first time Costa Rica has the honor to host the most important scientific meeting of Optics and Photonics in Ibero-America, with a steadily growing attendance at each new conference and a major impact within our communities and internationally.
The Red(e) Iberoamericana de Óptica, RIAO (Ibero-American Network for Optics) is organizing the RIAO-OPTILAS 2023 Conference - XI Iberian American Optics Meeting and XIV Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers and Applications - that will be hosted by the Public Universities of Costa Rica. The RIAO-OPTILAS 2023 will be held in San José, Costa Rica, on March 27 to 31, 2023.
The main objective of the meeting is to offer an open friendly quality space to:
• • Communicate progress, achievements, research, and experiences related to the fields of optics and photonics, in Iberian America and the world.
• • Encourage contact, dialogue and exchange among researchers linked to these and related areas.
• • Stimulate and strengthen the collaborative networking between researchers from different Iberian American countries and research centers.
The RIAO-OPTILAS 2023 will include:
Plenary sessions given by internationally recognized speakers in topics of high worldwide interest and impact in optics and photonics.
Oral sessions, where invited speakers as well as authors of contributed papers present their most recent and relevant research results.
Poster sessions, with a selection of peer-reviewed contributions, scheduled to foster the networking and establishment of well-focused collaborations among research groups, and with their foreign counterparts.
Workshops, round-tables or discussion groups on relevant momentous subjects
The scope of RIAO-OPTILAS-2023 is including but not limited to:
• Atmospheric and ocean optics
• Atomic and molecular physics
• Bio photonics and biomedical applications
• Coherence and statistical optics
• Diffraction and gratings
• Fiber optics, sensors and optical communications
• Fourier optics and signal processing
• Geometric optics
• Digital Holography
• Image processing, vision and artificial intelligence
• Imaging systems
• Instrumentation, measurement, and metrology
• Integrated optics
• Laser and laser optics
• Machine vision
• Materials Processing with Lasers
• Medical optics and biotechnology
• Microscopy
• Nano photonics and metamaterials
• Nonlinear optics
• Novel optical materials and 3D printing
• Optics in computing
• Optical data storage
• Optical design and fabrication
• Optical devices
• Optical micro and nano manipulation including optofluidics and microfluidics
• Optics at surfaces
• Optics and photonics in the industry
• Optoelectronics, Detectors and Sources
• Organic and hybrid optoelectronics
• Physical optics
• Quantum optics
• Remote sensing and sensors
• Scattering
• Spectroscopy
• Thin films
• THz, microwaves and millimeter-waves photonics
• Ultrafast optics
• Vision, color, and visual optics
• X-ray optics
The organizing committee invites you to participate in this exciting meeting. Please note the following deadlines:
Submission of Abstracts: July 25 – December 16, 2022.
Acceptance notification: January 2023.
Deadline for early-bird registration: October 14, 2022.
A special edition with selected contributed papers will be published in a recognized journal.
Further information about RIAO-OPTILAS- 2023 is available at the conference web site:
RIAO/OPTILAS 2023 - XI Iberoamerican Optics Meeting / XIV Latinamerican Meeting on Optics, Lasers and Applications (riao-optilas-2022.org)